Azil Organic Mountain Almond Oil
- Used to provide a variety of Cosmetic products.
Type : Organic & Conventional
Azil Organic Mountain Almond Oil
Harvest period:All over the year
Processing method: Cold pressed oil
*Bulks : 20 Lit , 220 Lit
*Retails : 15 Ml
Before describing the properties of almond oil,
it is better to tell you a little more about its poultice properties (almond kernel paste for external use).
Almond kernel poultice with vinegar mixture is very useful for relieving headaches,
strengthening eyesight and healing old wounds.
Burnt almond seeds are very beneficial for eczema, blisters and skin allergies.
Its paste is used on the chest for shortness of breath, cough, swelling of the chest and lungs.
The use of milk almond mixed with milk to remove skin blemishes,
disinfect the skin and in general is very effective in rejuvenating the skin;
Also, rubbing it on the scalp has anti-dandruff and head lice properties.
Due to the small size of almond kernels,
a small amount of oil is extracted from it.
Read More: Azil Organic Licorice Extract
This type of oil has unique properties for traditional and Islamic doctors;
The following is a general overview of the properties of almond oil.
Mountain Almond Oil
In order to get almond oil, they make it into a paste and take it out by pressing the oil.
Almond kernel oil is a harmless oil that,
due to its emollient and anti-inflammatory properties,
is widely used in the preparation of various ointments,
creams and medicinal and hygienic oil solutions.
Almond oil, due to the presence of vitamins E and A,
can be very effective in maintaining healthy skin and eliminating skin complications.
Almond kernel oil is one of the natural oils that easily absorbs the innermost layers of the skin and protects the skin from any contamination and other inflammatory substances.
This type of oil obtained from almond kernels is the best way to get rid of blackheads and acne and this factor makes almond kernel oil one of the best skin cleansers.
Almond kernel oil, like bitter almond oil, has positive effects on joint pain and lumbar vertebrae,
but this organic and natural property of almond kernels has a better and unique role in reducing pain in this organ.
Also, if you want to find a natural way to fight eczema and itchy skin,
I recommend that you use almond kernel oil.
How much better to know that this type of natural oil cures insomnia and insomnia caused by daily stress and nervous tension.
In addition, the consumption of almond kernel oil along with lukewarm water relieves heartburn and intestinal obstruction in children and is an effective treatment for constipation.
Refrence: Azil Organic