Azil organic Akbari Pistachio

  • This kind of pistachio is called as Akbari, which is super long type.
  • The main character to identify this type is the height of the head and end of pistachio which are near to be the same.
  • This type is well known in East Asia, Europe especially Germany and Russia.
  • It has a very unique taste and texture.

Type : Organic & Conventional

Azil organic Akbari Pistachio

Akbari pistachio is a new type of pistachios and one of the best cultivars of Iranian pistachio.

Among the pistachio types, it is in the group of long pistachios.

Akbari 4 - Azil organic Akbari Pistachio

Azil organic Akbari Pistachio

Packaging Information

Harvest method : Manual
Harvest period : October
Packaging : Plastic bags in cartons
Bulk ( Each Carton ) : 10 kg
Retails : 80 – 180 – 250 – 450 gr
Number of boxes per carton: 24 – 24 – 12 – 12
Number of Cartons  per pallet: 156 – 96 – 132 – 80


It has a large, long (almond-shaped) fruit and is larger than Ahmad Aghaei, which is why it is called the super long pistachio in the global markets.

Characteristics of Akbari pistachio fruit

The tip of the green skin is medium and the green color of the skin becomes red when ripen.

The position of the bony shell splitting is the same on both the dorsal and abdominal

sides and it has a long rectangular shape.

Read More: pistachio kernels 

The surface color of the kernel is brownish-purple and the color of the bony shell is dark cream;

the surface color of the kernel is brownish-purple and inside the fruit has a light yellow color,

while ripening starts from the tip of the fruit.

The dry pistachio length is 12.22 mm (high) with a width of 61.12 mm (high).

Characteristics of Akbari pistachio tree

It has moderate growth power and widespread growth habit. The average tree height reaches 3 meters.

In this cultivar, leaf length is 4.15 mm (average) and leaf width is 4.4 mm (low).

The terminal leaflet size is larger than the lateral ones and the terminal leaflet is also spear-shaped.

Clusters of this type of pistachio have an approximate weight of 51.6 grams,

while dry pistachio weight of each cluster is 15.4 grams.

The Akbari pistachio is an elongated and large variety of pistachios known as one of the most luxurious pistachios due to its appearance. Each ounce of this type of pistachio contains 18-20, 20-20, and 24-22 pistachios according to the customer’s order, and the best types are naturally open-mouthed.

Reference: Azil

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