Happy Ramadan
Ramadan is one of the most auspicious and blessed months for Muslims all over the world. Many Muslims believe that it is during this holy month that God has brought down the Quran to the Prophet Mohammad.
During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from all food and drink from dawn to twilight. In this holy month, Fasters purify their souls and souls, avoid themselves from any sin, and seek forgiveness from God Almighty. Obviously, the doors of Allah’s mercy are always open to his servants, but this month is considered one of the golden opportunities for His servants, especially Muslims.
God has planned the best for His servants. Although the length of time you spend fasting may seem excessive, the benefits of this period of hunger for the body have been scientifically proven. Fasting has a great impact on preventing diabetes, preventing inflammation in the body, improving heart health, strengthening brain function, and preventing neurodegenerative diseases.
When you prevent yourself from eating and drinking by your own will, it can actually be a kind of exercise to raise your willpower and self-esteem. Also, during this time, because worship is performed with greater sincerity, man is spiritually closer to God and a special peace arises for humans.
Piety is the most important fasting philosophy. In fact, fasting is a lesson in equality in society, and through fasting, the plight of the hungry in society becomes tangible to the rich. Fasting reminds us of solidarity, empathy, and sacrifice, that all creatures on earth have the right to life, and that we should be compassionate towards our fellow human beings.
Fasting, with the patience and tolerance it creates in a person, prepares them for extra effort and perseverance in achieving their goals.
With all these facts, nutrition is one of the most important issues for a fasting person to consider. Eating dates, whether at dawn or Break of a fast, can be very beneficial because of their high energy and therapeutic properties and prevent the body from weakness. Drinking water is also one of the things that should be paid attention to from the break of Fast to sunrise, and if a little rose water is added to the water, in addition to making it easier to drink, it will have many benefits for the body.
The Azil’s team wishes you acceptance in your prayers and worship.