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Here you goORGANIC

شركة سلام روان رستك (عازيل) هي أكثر سلسلة إنتاج تنوعًا للمنتجات العضوية في الشرق الأوسط. نحن متخصصون في إنتاج كل من المكسرات والفواكه المجففة التقليدية والعضوية، بالإضافة إلى الأعشاب الطبية والزيوت العطرية. منتجاتنا معتمدة كمنتجات عضوية من الاتحاد الأوروبي ويتم اختبارها بشكل سنوي في مختبرات أوروبية معتمدة لضمان مطابقتها لمعايير الاتحاد الأوروبي.

ما هي (عازيل)؟
عازيليا إيرينجيويدس (Azilia eryngioides) هو نوع من النباتات المزهرة التي تنتمي إلى عائلة الخيمية (Apiaceae).

هذا النبات مستوطن في إيران وينمو في جبال زاغروس.

Why choose Azil Organic Products ?


We have a various range of Products including Medicinal Herbs, Nuts, Dried fruits and Essential Oils produced in a specialized way, completely fulfil the needs of customers who want to carry a wide variety and high quality products to become needless of searching for other suppliers.

Pioneer Tech

Passing through metal, stone & glass detectors, all products will become free from any contamination before every shipment.

Besides, doing pasteurization in a completely natural way without any use of Gamma rays or heat.

Some products can be freeze-dried based on the customer’s order

Agriculture and suppling contracts

Since we have contracted numerous farmers for cultivating our products, we have a high capacity to manufacture them. Therefore, we are able to bind supplying contracts with large corporations and chain stores before harvesting products. This will enable us to produce the requested products according to the expected standards and quantities.


We firmly believe that products from natural and organic nature without any use of fertilizers are far less likely to cause troubles for our health and less polluting during manufacture and are not only great for you but even better for our planet.

Representatives and Payments

Through our representative companies in Germany and France, customers’ orders can be delivered and paid easier. In addition, we have bank accounts both in the EU and out of the EU. Customers can pay even in their own local currency in some countries such as India.

Ethical Standards

We believe in high quality, honesty & pay very close attention to every details of your order & stipulated delivery times, to make sure you are completely satisfied.

Production Method

We thoroughly check the farming methods for each product and we work very closely with our farmers to ensure continuous high standards. Also our Storage method and Packing would be in a way to not to endanger the Organic standards of the products.


Well, we are expertise in Organic Nuts and Dried Fruits, Medicinal herbs and Essential Oils, so you can ask for the Analyses ( Pesticide and Heavy Metal ), Certificates and specification sheets of all products with ease of mind.

Prime source

We are the first resource and producer of the products represented in our website.

Some of the suppliers of this products, buy them all from us.

New  Harvest 2023

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Our Best Products

Our Organic Farms

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Nuts & Dried Fruits

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Medicinal herbs

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Our Factory

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Pioneer Tech

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We Offer Only Premium Products .


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